02 marzo 2011

Miguel Molinari nos cuenta como le fue a Juan Diego en Colombia

Miguel Molinari estuvo en Bogota acompañando a Juan Diego Flórez en el recital que ofreció, y el cual fue un gran evento en esa ciudad.

1 comentario:

  1. Dear Mr. Molinari,

    above all, I would express my highest appreciation for your most constructive endeavours to promote opera and classical music in Peru.

    Apart from that, I trust you agree with me that public success is often the main enemy of an artist. In case of Juan Diego Florez (JDF) I saw some warning signs when he sang the Rigoletto a few years ago in Callao, a role which he has wisely discountinued to sing (at least for the time being), since it is beyond the so far limits of his voice and causes harm to it. However,in my view there are some new warning signs and this is his increasing tendency to sing the coloratura too much nasal; of course, this makes it easier to sign and more flexible, lighter and quicker, but the tone is losing velvet and projection and sounds increasingly "bleating"/"goatish". Provided you agree with me, I think, you know him well and as a real friend can discuss this problem with him; very often, the awareness of a problem as such triggers already the solution. JDF is a treasure of and for Peru and for the opera as such and we hope all that this will continue for many years to come.

    I appreciate your kind attention and remain with best regards,

    Yours sincerely,

    Prof. Dr. Bulka
